You are an ambitious, driven, career woman who struggles & juggles career, romantic relationships, kids, and health while still having time for herself. And you are seeking for a way to manage all of this while trying not to fall apart.

I want to show you just how much better your life can be, right now, from being stuck, overwhelmed and playing small to showing up confidently, feeling energized and embracing a balanced lifestyle.



Doesn’t create a life that lights you up on the inside

Doesn’t allow you to be present with your children, partner, family friends and YOURSELF

Doesn’t give you the time and freedom to live stress-free

Doesn’t make you gain confidence about your future

Doesn’t support you in connecting with your purpose

It is never going to end unless you DECIDE you are done with:

Always feeling DRAINED

Work TAKING OVER your personal life

Not having ENOUGH TIME to do what you love

Feeling GUILTY for not being present for your loved ones

Working HARD but not happy on the inside



Avani is a leading Life + leadership coach who empowers high-achieving professional women who are tired of the burnout and overwhelm so that they can maximize more balance, time and success in their lives.

During her 14 years in the tech industry, Avani experienced serious burnout trying to balance her thriving career, home responsibilities and personal needs. The corporate grind kept her in a constant cycle of struggle and exhaustion. Until she decided that she wanted to end this destructive pattern for good. She was able to figure out a way that she could continue to grow in her career, spend quality time being present with her family and incorporate healthy mindset practices. Discovering this new way to approach life left her more energized, fulfilled and deeply connected to her most authentic self.

Avani is also a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and uses these techniques along with coaching to deliver powerful results for her clients. This unique approach provides deep and long-lasting transformation, while supporting career-driven women to uplevel all aspects of their lives.

During her free time, Avani enjoys spending her time with her family which consists of her husband of 20 years and her twin teen boys. She is a foodie at heart, loves to read and try new activities. When alone, you can find her meditating, writing or listening to podcasts.

Client Testimonials

"My perfectionism and need for control has led to me experience “imposter syndrome”, self doubt, anxiety and has permeated into my relationships with my spouse and kids. As a physician I see more and more evidence how alternative therapies can complement traditional medicine. She empowered me to “let go” to what’s holding me back so that I could move forward into a future I desire."
- Amy
"It’s been a couple months since I concluded my sessions with Avani and I can honestly say there isn’t a day that has passed where I haven’t applied the tools, lessons, and experiences from my sessions. This was my introduction to past life regression therapy which has surpassed my expectations in what I would get out of it. would never have thought of and was able to integrate them all to help me understand the journey my lives have followed and its impact on my issues today. The journey she stitched together has given me so much clarity and best of all - a greater sense of peace."
- Paige
"Thank you Avani for taking me through the process. It has been life changing. I felt lighter right after our first meeting. There is so much holding us down that we just don’t realize until we experience what you walked me through. Then to compare how I grew from where I was before this experience to where I am now. Wow!!! You have such a gentle, unique way to guide your clients through this very important process."
- Julie

Now is your time to:

You are ready to break free from being trapped in the cycle of burned overwhelmed & frustrated to live on purpose in the most authentic way possible. You no longer have to feel sick and tired of trying to figure it out on your own.


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    Attention Driven Career Women Stuck In the Cycle of Burnout

    5 Shocking secrets Highly Successful Female Professionals use to end burnout for good.

    Finally find out what’s stopping you from having more balance, happiness, time and purpose.